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Version: 8.1

System Tags

Inductive University

System Tags

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System Tags provide status about the Ignition system, such as memory usage, performance metrics, and so on. System Tags cannot be deleted or modified. To view the System Tags in the Tag Browser, go to the Tag Provider Selector and select System.

The System Tags folders are displayed: Client and Gateway. The scope for each is slightly different.

System Client Tags (Vision Only)​

Client-scoped System Tags provide status information about the client's system. They can be used with the Vision module for any Vision Client. Every individual client is going to have their own values, such as IP address, host name, username, and more. There are three folders within the System > Client folder: Network, System, and User. You cannot modify Client System Tags.

Vision System Client Tags​

NameFolderDescriptionData Type
GatewayAddressNetworkGateway URL address.string
GatewayRedundancyRoleNetworkRedundancy State of the Gateway that the client is connected to. Independent, Master, Backup.string
HostnameNetworkHostname (name) of the computer that the Client is running on.string
IPAddressNetworkIP Address of the computer that the Client is running on.string
MACAddressNetworkMAC Address of the computer that the Client is running on.string
CurrentDateTimeSystemCurrent system date and time. Format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a.DateTime
DefaultDatabaseSystemName of the default database connection used by the project.string
DefaultTagProviderSystemName of the default Tag Provider used by the project.string
FPMIVersionSystemCurrent Ignition version in use.string
JavaVersionSystemCurrent Java version in use by the client.string
LastProjectUpdateSystemDate and time the local Vision Client’s project was last updated.DateTime
OperatingSystemSystemOperating system of the computer that the Client is running on.string
ProjectNameSystemName field for the current project.string
ProjectTitleSystemTitle field for the current project.string
New in 8.1.24
Whether or not there is a project update available for the currently open Vision Client project. Intended to be used alongside the None option in Vision's Project Properties.
SystemFlagsSystemA byte array of flags for the current state of the Client.integer
UserSourceSystemName of the user source for the current Client.string
CountryUserTwo letter country code according to operating system. for example: US.string
CurrentWindowUserThe current main window open in the project (top most Floating, Maximized window).string
DateFormatFullUserFull date format according to the operating system. Format: EEEE, MMMM d, y.string
DateFormatLongUserLong date format: MMMM d, y.string
DateFormatMediumUserMedium date format: MMM d, y.string
DateFormatShortUserShort date format: M/d/yy.string
DateTimeFormatFullUserFull date and time format: EEEE, MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz.string
DateTimeFormatLongUserLong date and time format: MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a.string
DateTimeFormatMediumUserMedium date and time format: MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a zzzz.string
DateTimeFormatShortUserShort date and time format: M/d/y, h:mm a.string
HomeFolderUserHome folder according to OS. For example: C:\Users\psmith.string
LanguageUserLanguage according to OS. For example: "en" for English.string
OSUsernameUserOS user name, for example: PSmith.string
RolesDataSetUserDataset with Roles for currently logged in user. For example: Dataset[2R x 1C].dataset
RolesStringUserComma separated string with Roles for currently logged in user. For example: Administrator, Operator.string
TimeFormatFullUserFull time format according to the operating system. Format: h:mm:ss a zzzz.string
TimeFormatLongUserLong time format: h:mm:ss a z.string
TimeFormatMediumUserMedium time format: h:mm:ss a.string
TimeFormatShortUserSort time format: h:mm a.string
TimezoneUserCurrent timezone, for example, America/Los Angeles.string
UsernameUserCurrently logged in username, for example, PSmith.string

Gateway System Tags​

Gateway System Tags exist in the Gateway scope. There are several folders within the Gateway Tags folder which report metrics on various Gateway level systems.

The following Gateway-scoped System Tags are available.

Root System Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
CurrentDateTimeCurrent system date and time. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss a.DateTime
New in 8.1.15
Returns the license state of the Gateway. If a valid license is applied, the tag will return "Activated". This includes Emergency Activation mode and Maker licensing. For any other license state, the tag will return "Trial".
SystemNameReturns the name of the system where the Ignition Gateway is installed.String
TimezoneTimezone on the Gateway computer. For example, America/Los Angeles.String
UptimeSecondsNumber of seconds since Ignition was started.Long

Alarming System Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
Active and AckedNumber of alarms currently active and acknowledged.Integer
Active and UnackedNumber of alarms currently active and unacknowledged.Integer
Clear and AckedNumber of alarms cleared and acknowledged.Integer
Clear and UnackedNumber of alarms cleared and unacknowledged.Integer

Database System Tags​


There will be a subfolder for each database connection, or none if there are no connections. Each subfolder will have the following Tags.

NameDescriptionData Type
ActiveConnectionsNumber of active connections in the pool to this database connection.Integer
AvailableIndicates whether this datasource is available.Boolean
AvailableThroughFailoverIndicates if any database along the failover chain attached to this data source can be reached.Boolean
AvgQueryTimeAverage time, in seconds, that it is taking database queries to run.Integer
ConnectionSaturationPercentage of possible query throughput that is being used (ratio of currently active connections to maximum possible connections).Double
QueriesPerSecondNumber of queries running per second.Integer

Device System Tags​


For each device configuration on the Gateway, a separate subfolder will exist. The contents of each subfolder are listed below.

NameDescriptionData Type
DescriptionDescription of the device connection as configured on the device connection on the Gateway.String
EnabledBoolean representing whether or not the device connection is enabled.Boolean
NameName of the device connection.String
StatusStatus of the connection.String

EAM System Tags​


System Tags are created on the Controller for each agent, allowing you to build EAM monitoring clients, set alarms on individual Tags, and many other Tag-related operations. A folder is created for each agent. As with other system Tag values, all EAM system Tag values are read-only.

Metrics Folder​

The metric folder contains multiple subfolders.

Database Folder Each database connection on the agent will be represented by a different folder.

NameDescriptionData Type
Active ConnectionsNumber of active connections in the pool to this database connection.Integer
Active QueriesNumber of active queries.Integer
Active Query DurationAverage time, in seconds, that it is taking database queries to run.Integer
Average Throughput Per SecondNumber of records forwarded to the data sink per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Integer

Logging Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
Errors Per HourNumber of errors logged per hour.Integer
Errors Per MinuteNumber of errors logged per minute.Integer

Session Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
ClientsNumber of currently running Vision clients.Long
DesignersNumber of currently running Designers.Long
Perspective Sessions
New in 8.1.16
Number of currently running Perspective sessions.

System Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
CPU UsageCPU Utilization as reported to the Java Virtual Machine.Float
Memory UsageAmount of RAM currently in use by the Gateway, in whole percentages from 0-100.Float

Root Tags​

The following tags are located in the root of the EAM folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AgentGroupName of the group that the Agent belongs to.String
AgentNameName of the Agent.String
BrowserURLAgent Gateway URL address.String
IsApprovedWhether this network connection has been approved.Boolean
IsConnectedWhether the Gateway Network connection is active.Boolean
IsRunningWhether the Agent Gateway is considered "healthy". Healthy Agent Gateways may not be connected to the Controller, but not enough time has passed to consider the Agent Gateway as "down".Boolean
LastCommunicationA timestamp representing the last known communication received from the Gateway.DateTime
LicenseKeyReturns the license key of the Gateway.String
NodeRoleRole of the connected Agent.
  • Independent - Redundancy is not enabled and this Ignition system runs as an independent node.
  • Master - This is the Master node, who listens for a connection from the Backup node, and is in charge of managing system synchronization.
  • Backup - This is the Backup node, who will connect to the Master and receive system updates.
PlatformEditionIgnition Edition running on the Agent Gateway. Values include standard, edge, and maker.String
RunningStateString representation of the Running State. Possible values for RunningState are: Disconnected, Running, Warned, Er`roredString
RunningStateIntInteger representation of the Running State.Integer
ServerIdID of the Agent Gateway.String
VersionVersion of Ignition software running on the Agent Gateway.String

Gateway Network System Tags​

Each system connected over the Gateway Network receives a special folder designated by the following nomenclature:

  • Independent Gateways: 0:0
  • Redundant Master Gateway: 0:1
  • Redundant Backup Gateway: 0:2
  • "Virtual" route aliased to either the Master or Backup Gateways: 0:0

Each folder contains the following Tags.

NameDescriptionData Type
IsAvailableWhether the remote Gateway is available or not.Boolean
LastCommA timestamp representing the last known communication received from the remote Gateway.DateTime

Licenses System Tags​

New in 8.1.28

This Tag folder will only appear if your Gateway is using a Leased License. For each leased license on the Gateway, a separate subfolder will exist. The contents of each subfolder are listed below.

NameDescriptionData Type
ConsecutiveErrorCountRolling counter for how many times the license tried to renew itself, if failed.Long
ErrorCodeDisplays an error code if the license failed to renew.Integer
ExpirationTime when the session expires.DateTime
ExpiresInSecondsAmount of time left before the current lease period expires, in seconds.Long
NextCheckTime when the license will attempt to renew.DateTime
ProblemDescription of why the license failed to renew or activate.String
StatusCurrent status of the leased license.String

OPC System Tags​


There will be a subfolder for each OPC UA Server. Each subfolder will have the following Tags.

NameDescriptionData Type
ConnectedWhether the OPC UA server is connected to Ignition.Boolean
EnabledWhether the OPC UA server connection is enabled.Boolean
StateThe state name of the connection. For example: Connected, Faulted, Connecting.String

Performance System Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
Available Disk Space (MB)Available disk space on the computer Ignition is installed on, in megabytes.Long
CPU UsageCPU Utilization as reported to the Java Virtual Machine.Double
Disk UtilizationPercentage of hard disk that is in use.Double
Max MemoryMaximum amount of RAM the Gateway can use, in megabytes.Long
Memory UsageAmount of RAM currently in use by the Gateway, in megabytes.Long
Memory UtilizationCurrent memory usage/maximum memory usage.Double

Redundancy System Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
Connection, Is ConnectedWhether this Gateway is connected to another for redundancy.Boolean
Connection, PeerIdThe ID of the Gateway connected to, empty string if not connected.String
ActivityLevelIndicates where the Gateway is in the redundant state. Can be undecided, cold, warm, or active.String
IsActiveWhether the Gateway is running.Boolean
IsMasterWhether the Gateway is the master. False if the backup is in control.Boolean
RoleNamed role of the Gateway. Options: Independent, Master, Backup.String

Sessions System Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
SessionCountNumber of active sessions on this Gateway. Note this value does not account for Perspective Client Sessions.Integer

Store and Forward System Tags​

New in 8.1.2

The Store and Forward System Tags were added in version 8.1.2

There will be a subfolder for each database connection, or none if there are no connections. Each subfolder will have the following Tags.

Database Storage​

NameDescriptionData Type
AvailableIndicates whether Database Storage is available for this Store and Forward engine.Boolean
isStoreIndicates if the data storage sink is able to store records. This data store is used for the optimization of the records before they are forwarded to the database and no data is technically stored in it. For this reason, this tag's value will always be false.Boolean

Local Cache Storage Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
AvailableIndicates if the local cache for this Store and Forward engine is available.Boolean
CanQuarantineIndicates if this local cache can quarantine records. If the local cache cannot quarantine a record, the record will be dropped and lost forever.Boolean
DroppedRecordsIndicates the number of dropped records for this local cache. A record is considered dropped if it can not be added to one of the buffers, (i.e., when a buffer is full and the Store and Forward engine can no longer accept new records).Integer
IsStoreIndicates if the local cache is able to store records.Boolean
MaxRecordsMaximum number of records this local cache can accept.Integer
PendingRecordsNumber of pending records for this local cache.Integer
QuarantinedRecordsNumber of quarantined records in this local cache. Quarantined data is data that has erred-out multiple times during attempts to forward it, or data that could not be stored because of some configuration issues.Integer

In addition to the tags above, the Local Cache Storage folder contains multiple subfolders, all listed below.

ForwardMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
ThroughputNumber of records forwarded to the data sink per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Long

StorageMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Double
ThroughputNumber of records forwarded to the data sink per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records forwarded to the data sink from the local cache.Long

TakeMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration to read a record from the local cache.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration to read a record from the local cache.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration to read a record from the local cache.Double
ThroughputThe number of records read from the local cache per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records read from the local cache.Long

Memory Buffer Tags​

NameDescriptionData Type
AvailableIndicates if the memory buffer for this Stored and Forward engine is available.Boolean
CanQuarantineIndicates if this memory buffer can quarantine records. The memory buffer cannot quarantine records so this will always be false.Boolean
DroppedRecordsIndicates the number of dropped records for this memory buffer. A record is considered dropped if it can not be added to one of the buffers, (i.e., when a buffer is full and the Store and Forward engine can no longer accept new records).Integer
IsStoreIndicates if the memory buffer is able to store records.Boolean
MaxRecordsMaximum number of records this memory buffer can accept.Integer
PendingRecordsNumber of pending records for this memory buffer.Integer
QuarantinedRecordsNumber of quarantined records for this memory buffer. Quarantined data is data that has erred-out multiple times during attempts to forward it, or data that could not be stored because of some configuration issues.Integer
AvailableIndicates if this database engine is available.Boolean
DroppedNumber of quarantined records for this Store and Forward engine.Integer
QuarantineNumber of quarantined records for this Store and Forward engine.Integer

In addition to the tags above, the Memory Buffer folder contains multiple subfolders, all listed below.

ForwardMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the memory buffer.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the memory buffer.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration for records to be forwarded to the data sink from the memory buffer.Double
ThroughputNumber of records forwarded to the data sink per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records forwarded to the data sink from the memory buffer.Long

StorageMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration to store and record into the memory buffer.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration to store a record into the memory buffer.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration to store a record into the memory buffer.Double
ThroughputThe number of records that go through the memory buffer per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records stored in the memory buffer.Long

TakeMetrics Folder

NameDescriptionData Type
AverageDurationThe average duration to read a record from the memory buffer.Double
MaxDurationThe maximum duration to read a record from the memory buffer.Double
MinDurationThe minimum duration to read a record from the memory buffer.Double
ThroughputThe number of records read from the memory buffer per second. Throughput will be -1 if idle.Double
TimeUnitUnit of time for this variable. The unit of time for this variable is seconds.String
TotalTotal number of records read from the memory buffer.Long