This function is used in Python Scripting.
Displays a confirmation dialog box to the user with "Yes" and "No" options, and a custom message.
Client Permission Restrictions​
This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.
system.gui.confirm(message, [title], [allowCancel])
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | message | The message to show in the confirmation dialog. |
String | title | The title for the confirmation dialog. [optional] |
Boolean | allowCancel | Show a cancel button in the dialog. [optional] |
Boolean - True if the user selected "Yes"; false if the user selected "No". None if the user selected "Cancel".
Vision Client
Code Examples​
Example #1
# By using the confirm function in an if statement, we can let the user confirm an action.
# In this case, we shut down the plant if the user confirms it, otherwise, we don't do anything.
if system.gui.confirm("Are you sure you want to shutdown the plant?", "Really Shutdown?"):
system.db.runUpdateQuery("UPDATE ControlTable SET Shutdown=1")
system gui confirm, gui.confirm