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Version: 8.1


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Returns a dataset of information about a single database connection, as specified by the name argument.

Client Permission Restrictions​

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.




StringnameThe name of the database connection to find information about. Will use the current project's default database connection if a name is not specified.


Dataset - A dataset containing information about the named database connection, or an empty dataset if the connection wasn't found. If a populated dataset is returned, the following data will be given:

Column NameDescription
NameReturns the name of this datasource.
DescriptionReturns the description for this datasource.
DBTypeReturns the database connection type. Example types include PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and Oracle.
StatusReturns the status of this datasource based on its last tested condition. Typical values include Valid, Faulted, and Reconnecting.
ProblemReturns a string describing the current problem, if the status is not good.
ExtStatusReturns the "best" status of this datasource or of any failover datasources.
ThroughputReturns number of queries per second, including Insert and Select queries. Throughput will be -1 if idle.
ActiveConnectionsReturns the current number of connections in use.
MaxConnectionsReturns the maximum number of connections the underlying pool is configured to use.
ValidationQueryReturns a SQL query that will be used to validate the status of this datasource. This query should always return at least 1 row.


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session


The database connection used when called from the Gateway scope is the connection configured on the Gateway scripting project.

Code Examples​

Code Snippet - Getting Database Connection Information
# This example checks the database connection type and selects a query format that matches.

connectionInfo = system.db.getConnectionInfo()
dbType = connectionInfo.getValueAt(0, "DBType")
if dbType == "MYSQL":
# mysql format for a column with a space in the name
query = "SELECT `amps value` FROM pumps"
# mssql format for a column with a space in the name
query = "SELECT [amps value] FROM pumps"


system db getConnectionInfo, db.getConnectionInfo