This function is used in Python Scripting.
Creates a schedule adjustment.
Client Permission Restrictions​
Permission Type: User Management
Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.
system.user.createScheduleAdjustment(startDate, endDate, isAvailable, note )
Type | Parameter | Description |
Date | startDate | The starting date of the schedule adjustment. |
Date | endDate | The ending date of the schedule adjustment. |
Boolean | isAvailable | True if the user is available during this schedule adjustment. |
String | note | A note about the schedule adjustment. |
Schedule Adjustment - A ScheduleAdjustment object that can be added to a user.
Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session
Code Examples​
Example #1
# Specify the range of the schedule change.
start ="2019-07-01 17:00:00")
end ="2019-07-05 17:00:00")
# Create an adjusted schedule.
scheduleAdjustment = system.user.createScheduleAdjustment(start, end, True, "Summer swing schedule change.")
# Get the user we need to adjust.
user = system.user.getUser("default", "george")
# Apply the adjusted schedule to the temporary user that lives in this script.
# Override the old george user in the user source, with the new user we created in this script.
system.user.editUser("default", user)