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Version: 8.1


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Will insert values on the OPC-HDA server, or replace them if they already exist.

Client Permission Restrictions​

Permission Type: OPC Server Management

Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.


system.opchda.insertReplace(serverName, itemId, value, date, quality)


StringserverNameThe name of the defined OPC-HDA server.
StringitemIdThe item ID to perform the operation on.
ObjectvalueThe value to insert or replace.
ObjectdateThe date to insert or replace.
QualityCodequalityThe quality to insert or replace.


QualityCode - The result of the insert or replace operation. See Scripting Object Reference.


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session

Code Examples​

Example #1
# This example will insert a new date for a specific entry on an OPC HDA server.
# Declare a date to insert
start =, 10, 25)

# Call the system function
hda = system.opchda.insertReplace('Matrikon HDA','1',3,start,1)

# Print out various attributes
print hda.isError()
print hda.getCode()
print hda.isBad()
print hda.isGood()


system opchda insertReplace, opchda.insertReplace