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Version: 8.1


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Takes a dataset and returns a new dataset with one value altered.


Datasets are immutable, which means they cannot be directly modified once created. Instead, this scripting function returns a new dataset with some modification applied, which must be assigned to a variable to be used. See Altering a Dataset.

Client Permission Restrictions​

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.

Syntax - columnName​

system.dataset.setValue(dataset, rowIndex, columnName, value)


DatasetdatasetThe starting dataset. Will not be modified (datasets are immutable), but acts as the basis for the returned dataset.
IntegerrowIndexThe index of the row to set the value at (starting at 0).
StringcolumnNameThe name of the column to set the value at. Case insensitive.
AnyvalueThe new value for the specified row/column.


Dataset - A new dataset, with the new value set at the given location.


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session

Syntax - columnIndex​

system.dataset.setValue(dataset, rowIndex, columnIndex, value)


DatasetdatasetThe starting dataset. Will not be modified (datasets are immutable), but acts as the basis for the returned dataset.
IntegerrowIndexThe index of the row to set the value at (starting at 0).
IntegercolumnIndexThe index of the column to set the value at (starting at 0)
AnyvalueThe new value for the specified row/column.


Dataset - A new dataset, with the new value set at the given location.


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session

Code Examples​

Code Snippet
# This snippet demonstrates how to take an initial dataset, set a new value on a new dataset, and then write back to the source of the initial dataset.
# In this case we're using a Table component from the Vision module.
# Fetch a reference to an existing dataset.
table = event.source.parent.getComponent("Table")

# Make a new dataset with an updated value
newData = system.dataset.setValue(, 3, "lname", 7)

# Repalce the table's dataset with our new dataset = newData
Code Snippet
# This snippet could be used for a Vision Button's actionPerformed event to change the selected cell's value in a Table component to zero.
# Fetch table reference
table = event.source.parent.getComponent("Table")

# Fetch selected row and column
selRow = table.getSelectedRow()
selCol = table.getSelectedColumn()

# If row and column have been selected, update value in table to 0.
if selRow != -1 and selCol != -1:
newData = system.dataset.setValue(, selRow, selCol, 0.0) = newData


system dataset setValue, dataset.setValue