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Version: 7.9

Customizing Alarm Notification

Personalizing Notifications

There are several modifications that can be made to notifications to fit specific needs or interests.

Notification Messages

When notifications are delivered, default messages are used. These messages state the time of the event, the name of the alarm, the Display Path, and the state of the alarm. However, it is possible to customize these messages. Each message can return the value for any configured alarm property, in any order desired.

Information on customizing notification messages can be found on the Custom Email, SMS, and Voice Scripts page.

Using a PIN

In the case of SMS and Voice, additional security may be desired as phones can easily be misplaced. It is possible the phone may fall into the wrong hands. To address this, SMS and Voice notifications may make use of a PIN. When enabled, the PIN must be entered before users will be able to acknowledge alarms.

Examples and more details can be found on the User PIN for Voice page.

Multi-Language Support

Voice notifications may be delivered in several different languages, and multiple languages may be supported on the same Gateway. Preferred languages are assigned to each user. When a notification block is invoked, the roster information contains the preferred language of each user, and the correct voice language is used.

More information can be found on the Voice Languages page.