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Version: 8.1


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Calls a method in an OPC UA server. To make the most of this function, you'll need to be familiar with methods in the OPC UA server.

Client Permission Restrictions​

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.


system.opcua.callMethod(connectionName, objectId, methodId, inputs)


StringconnectionNameThe name of the OPC UA connection to the server that the method resides in.
StringobjectIdThe NodeId of the Object Node the Method is a member of.
StringmethodIdThe NodeId of the Method Node to call.
ListinputsA list of input values expected by the method.


Tuple - A tuple containing the following:

  • 0 Resulting StatusCode for the call
  • 1 A list of StatusCode objects corresponding to each input argument
  • 2 A list of output values.


Gateway, Perspective Session

The StatusCode Object​

This function returns multiple StatusCode objects. StatusCode is a tuple, containing the following:

Index OrderDescription
0The value of the code
1The name of the code
2A description of the code

Code Examples​

Example #1
# Call the Server object's GetMonitoredItems method.
result = system.opcua.callMethod(
"Ignition OPC UA Server",

# Below we print the various elements in the results. The print statements could easily be replaced by something more useful.

# Prints the StatusCode for the call.
print result[0]

# Prints the list of StatusCodes, one for each input argument passed to system.opcua.callMethod.
print result[1]

# Prints the output values from the call.
print result[2]


system opcua callMethod, opcua.callMethod