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Version: 8.1


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Allows browsing of the OPC servers in the runtime, returning a list of tags.


This function performs a fully recursive browse that can't be terminated, which can be especially problematic in larger systems. It is highly advised to use system.opc.browseServer instead since recursion with that function is driven by subsequent calls.

Client Permission Restrictions​

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.



This function accepts keyword arguments.

system.opc.browse(opcServer, device, folderPath, opcItemPath)


StringopcServerThe name of the OPC server to browse
StringdeviceThe name of the device to browse
StringfolderPathFilters on a folder path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.
StringopcItemPathFilters on a OPC item path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.


List[OPCBrowseTag] - An array of OPCBrowseTag objects. OPCBrowseTag has the following functions: getOpcServer(), getOpcItemPath(), getType(), getDisplayName(), getDisplayPath(), getDataType().


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session

Code Examples​

Example #1
# Browse every OPC server

tags = system.opc.browse()
for row in tags:
print row.getOpcServer(), row.getOpcItemPath(), row.getType(),
print row.getDisplayName(), row.getDisplayPath(), row.getDataType()
Example #2
# Browse Ignition OPC UA server

tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer="Ignition OPC UA Server")
Example #3
# Browse Specific Device

server = "Ignition OPC UA Server"
tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer=server, device="Dairy Demo Simulator")
Example #4
# Browse Specific Folder Path (not OPC item path)

server = "Ignition OPC UA Server"
tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer=server, folderPath="*Overview/AU 1*")


system opc browse, opc.browse