This function is used in Python Scripting.
Read from any BACnet object not explicitly supported by the BACnet driver.
To use this function, the BACnet driver must be installed.
Please use caution when interacting directly with any BACnet device, as writing to an object may have unintended consequences and could result in data loss.
Client Permission Restrictions​
This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.
system.bacnet.readRaw(deviceName, objectType, objectId, propertyId, [propertyArrayIndex])
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | deviceName | The name of the configured BACnet/IP device instance to read from. |
ObjectType | objectType | The numeric id of the objectType of the object instance being read from. See the objectType Reference below. |
Integer | objectId | The object instance number to read. |
PropertyIdentifier | propertyId | The PropertyIdentifier of the object instance being read. See the propertyId Reference below. |
Integer | propertyArrayIndex | [optional] The array index of the property to read from. This parameter is optional and should not be used when reading from the entire array or if the property is not an array. |
Importing Classes​
You can import classes from system.bacnet.* like you would other Python classes:
from system.bacnet.enumerated import ObjectType
from system.bacnet.enumerated import PropertyIdentifier
ot = ObjectType.calendar
pid = PropertyIdentifier.dateList
You can also iterate those system.bacnet.* packages to see all available classes:
for d in dir(system.bacnet.constructed):
print d
API Docs​
BACnet4j Library of all classes available for import can be accessed at this link: BACnet4j Library 6.0.1 API Docs
objectType Reference​
Values for the objectType parameter can be referenced at system.bacnet.enumerated.ObjectType.*
objectType Reference List
- analogInput
- analogOutput
- analogValue
- binaryInput
- binaryOutput
- binaryValue
- calendar
- command
- device
- eventEnrollment
- file
- group
- loop
- multiStateInput
- multiStateOutput
- notificationClass
- program
- schedule
- averaging
- multiStateValue
- trendLog
- lifeSafetyPoint
- lifeSafetyZone
- accumulator
- pulseConverter
- eventLog
- globalGroup
- trendLogMultiple
- loadControl
- structuredView
- accessDoor
- timer
- accessCredential
- accessPoint
- accessRights
- accessUser
- accessZone
- credentialDataInput
- networkSecurity
- bitstringValue
- characterstringValue
- datePatternValue
- dateValue
- datetimePatternValue
- datetimeValue
- integerValue
- largeAnalogValue
- octetstringValue
- positiveIntegerValue
- timePatternValue
- timeValue
- notificationForwarder
- alertEnrollment
- channel
- lightingOutput
- binaryLightingOutput
- networkPort
- elevatorGroup
- escalator
- lift
propertyId Reference​
Values for the propertyId parameter can be referenced at system.bacnet.enumerated.PropertyIdentifier.*
propertyId Reference List
- ackedTransitions
- ackRequired
- action
- actionText
- activeText
- activeVtSessions
- alarmValue
- alarmValues
- all
- allWritesSuccessful
- apduSegmentTimeout
- apduTimeout
- applicationSoftwareVersion
- archive
- bias
- changeOfStateCount
- changeOfStateTime
- notificationClass
- controlledVariableReference
- controlledVariableUnits
- controlledVariableValue
- covIncrement
- dateList
- daylightSavingsStatus
- deadband
- derivativeConstant
- derivativeConstantUnits
- description
- descriptionOfHalt
- deviceAddressBinding
- deviceType
- effectivePeriod
- elapsedActiveTime
- errorLimit
- eventEnable
- eventState
- eventType
- exceptionSchedule
- faultValues
- feedbackValue
- fileAccessMethod
- fileSize
- fileType
- firmwareRevision
- highLimit
- inactiveText
- inProcess
- instanceOf
- integralConstant
- integralConstantUnits
- limitEnable
- listOfGroupMembers
- listOfObjectPropertyReferences
- localDate
- localTime
- location
- lowLimit
- manipulatedVariableReference
- maximumOutput
- maxApduLengthAccepted
- maxInfoFrames
- maxMaster
- maxPresValue
- minimumOffTime
- minimumOnTime
- minimumOutput
- minPresValue
- modelName
- modificationDate
- notifyType
- numberOfApduRetries
- numberOfStates
- objectIdentifier
- objectList
- objectName
- objectPropertyReference
- objectType
- optional
- outOfService
- outputUnits
- eventParameters
- polarity
- presentValue
- priority
- priorityArray
- priorityForWriting
- processIdentifier
- programChange
- programLocation
- programState
- proportionalConstant
- proportionalConstantUnits
- protocolObjectTypesSupported
- protocolServicesSupported
- protocolVersion
- readOnly
- reasonForHalt
- recipientList
- reliability
- relinquishDefault
- required
- resolution
- segmentationSupported
- setpoint
- setpointReference
- stateText
- statusFlags
- systemStatus
- timeDelay
- timeOfActiveTimeReset
- timeOfStateCountReset
- timeSynchronizationRecipients
- units
- updateInterval
- utcOffset
- vendorIdentifier
- vendorName
- vtClassesSupported
- weeklySchedule
- attemptedSamples
- averageValue
- bufferSize
- clientCovIncrement
- covResubscriptionInterval
- eventTimeStamps
- logBuffer
- logDeviceObjectProperty
- enable
- logInterval
- maximumValue
- minimumValue
- notificationThreshold
- protocolRevision
- recordsSinceNotification
- recordCount
- startTime
- stopTime
- stopWhenFull
- totalRecordCount
- validSamples
- windowInterval
- windowSamples
- maximumValueTimestamp
- minimumValueTimestamp
- varianceValue
- activeCovSubscriptions
- backupFailureTimeout
- configurationFiles
- databaseRevision
- directReading
- lastRestoreTime
- maintenanceRequired
- memberOf
- mode
- operationExpected
- setting
- silenced
- trackingValue
- zoneMembers
- lifeSafetyAlarmValues
- maxSegmentsAccepted
- profileName
- autoSlaveDiscovery
- manualSlaveAddressBinding
- slaveAddressBinding
- slaveProxyEnable
- lastNotifyRecord
- scheduleDefault
- acceptedModes
- adjustValue
- count
- countBeforeChange
- countChangeTime
- covPeriod
- inputReference
- limitMonitoringInterval
- loggingObject
- loggingRecord
- prescale
- pulseRate
- scale
- scaleFactor
- updateTime
- valueBeforeChange
- valueSet
- valueChangeTime
- alignIntervals
- intervalOffset
- lastRestartReason
- loggingType
- restartNotificationRecipients
- timeOfDeviceRestart
- timeSynchronizationInterval
- trigger
- utcTimeSynchronizationRecipients
- nodeSubtype
- nodeType
- structuredObjectList
- subordinateAnnotations
- subordinateList
- actualShedLevel
- dutyWindow
- expectedShedLevel
- fullDutyBaseline
- requestedShedLevel
- shedDuration
- shedLevelDescriptions
- shedLevels
- stateDescription
- doorAlarmState
- doorExtendedPulseTime
- doorMembers
- doorOpenTooLongTime
- doorPulseTime
- doorStatus
- doorUnlockDelayTime
- lockStatus
- maskedAlarmValues
- securedStatus
- absenteeLimit
- accessAlarmEvents
- accessDoors
- accessEvent
- accessEventAuthenticationFactor
- accessEventCredential
- accessEventTime
- accessTransactionEvents
- accompaniment
- accompanimentTime
- activationTime
- activeAuthenticationPolicy
- assignedAccessRights
- authenticationFactors
- authenticationPolicyList
- authenticationPolicyNames
- authenticationStatus
- authorizationMode
- belongsTo
- credentialDisable
- credentialStatus
- credentials
- credentialsInZone
- daysRemaining
- entryPoints
- exitPoints
- expirationTime
- extendedTimeEnable
- failedAttemptEvents
- failedAttempts
- failedAttemptsTime
- lastAccessEvent
- lastAccessPoint
- lastCredentialAdded
- lastCredentialAddedTime
- lastCredentialRemoved
- lastCredentialRemovedTime
- lastUseTime
- lockout
- lockoutRelinquishTime
- maxFailedAttempts
- members
- musterPoint
- negativeAccessRules
- numberOfAuthenticationPolicies
- occupancyCount
- occupancyCountAdjust
- occupancyCountEnable
- occupancyLowerLimit
- occupancyLowerLimitEnforced
- occupancyState
- occupancyUpperLimit
- occupancyUpperLimitEnforced
- passbackMode
- passbackTimeout
- positiveAccessRules
- reasonForDisable
- supportedFormats
- supportedFormatClasses
- threatAuthority
- threatLevel
- traceFlag
- transactionNotificationClass
- userExternalIdentifier
- userInformationReference
- userName
- userType
- usesRemaining
- zoneFrom
- zoneTo
- accessEventTag
- globalIdentifier
- verificationTime
- baseDeviceSecurityPolicy
- distributionKeyRevision
- doNotHide
- keySets
- lastKeyServer
- networkAccessSecurityPolicies
- packetReorderTime
- securityPduTimeout
- securityTimeWindow
- supportedSecurityAlgorithms
- updateKeySetTimeout
- backupAndRestoreState
- backupPreparationTime
- restoreCompletionTime
- restorePreparationTime
- bitMask
- bitText
- isUtc
- groupMembers
- groupMemberNames
- memberStatusFlags
- requestedUpdateInterval
- covuPeriod
- covuRecipients
- eventMessageTexts
- eventMessageTextsConfig
- eventDetectionEnable
- eventAlgorithmInhibit
- eventAlgorithmInhibitRef
- timeDelayNormal
- reliabilityEvaluationInhibit
- faultParameters
- faultType
- localForwardingOnly
- processIdentifierFilter
- subscribedRecipients
- portFilter
- authorizationExemptions
- allowGroupDelayInhibit
- channelNumber
- controlGroups
- executionDelay
- lastPriority
- writeStatus
- propertyList
- serialNumber
- blinkWarnEnable
- defaultFadeTime
- defaultRampRate
- defaultStepIncrement
- egressTime
- inProgress
- instantaneousPower
- lightingCommand
- lightingCommandDefaultPriority
- maxActualValue
- minActualValue
- power
- transition
- egressActive
- interfaceValue
- faultHighLimit
- faultLowLimit
- lowDiffLimit
- strikeCount
- timeOfStrikeCountReset
- defaultTimeout
- initialTimeout
- lastStateChange
- stateChangeValues
- timerRunning
- timerState
- apduLength
- ipAddress
- ipDefaultGateway
- ipDhcpEnable
- ipDhcpLeaseTime
- ipDhcpLeaseTimeRemaining
- ipDhcpServer
- ipDnsServer
- bacnetIpGlobalAddress
- bacnetIpMode
- bacnetIpMulticastAddress
- bacnetIpNatTraversal
- ipSubnetMask
- bacnetIpUdpPort
- bbmdAcceptFdRegistrations
- bbmdBroadcastDistributionTable
- bbmdForeignDeviceTable
- changesPending
- command
- fdBbmdAddress
- fdSubscriptionLifetime
- linkSpeed
- linkSpeeds
- linkSpeedAutonegotiate
- macAddress
- networkInterfaceName
- networkNumber
- networkNumberQuality
- networkType
- routingTable
- virtualMacAddressTable
- commandTimeArray
- currentCommandPriority
- lastCommandTime
- valueSource
- valueSourceArray
- bacnetIpv6Mode
- ipv6Address
- ipv6PrefixLength
- bacnetIpv6UdpPort
- ipv6DefaultGateway
- bacnetIpv6MulticastAddress
- ipv6DnsServer
- ipv6AutoAddressingEnable
- ipv6DhcpLeaseTime
- ipv6DhcpLeaseTimeRemaining
- ipv6DhcpServer
- ipv6ZoneIndex
- assignedLandingCalls
- carAssignedDirection
- carDoorCommand
- carDoorStatus
- carDoorText
- carDoorZone
- carDriveStatus
- carLoad
- carLoadUnits
- carMode
- carMovingDirection
- carPosition
- elevatorGroup
- energyMeter
- energyMeterRef
- escalatorMode
- faultSignals
- floorText
- groupId
- groupMode
- higherDeck
- installationId
- landingCalls
- landingCallControl
- landingDoorStatus
- lowerDeck
- machineRoomId
- makingCarCall
- nextStoppingFloor
- operationDirection
- passengerAlarm
- powerMode
- registeredCarCall
- activeCovMultipleSubscriptions
- protocolLevel
- referencePort
- deployedProfileLocation
- profileLocation
- tags
- subordinateNodeTypes
- subordinateTags
- subordinateRelationships
- defaultSubordinateRelationship
- represents
Enums Reference​
Values for the Enums parameter can be referenced at system.bacnet.enums.*
Enums Reference List
- DayOfWeek
- MaxApduLength
- MaxSegments
- Month
Code Examaples​
Reading an Array​
Reading EventTimeStamps property from an instance 0 AnalogOutput object.
ot = system.bacnet.enumerated.ObjectType.analogOutput
pid = system.bacnet.enumerated.PropertyIdentifier.eventTimeStamps
timestamps = system.bacnet.readRaw("bacnetDevice", ot, 0, pid)
for t in timestamps:
print t
Reading an Array Element​
Reading index 0 of EventTimeStamps property from an instance 0 AnalogOutput object.
ot = system.bacnet.enumerated.ObjectType.analogOutput
pid = system.bacnet.enumerated.PropertyIdentifier.eventTimeStamps
# read index 0 of eventTimeStamps property
arrayCount = system.bacnet.readRaw("bacnetDevice", ot, 0, pid, 0)
print arrayCount
system bacnet readRaw, bacnet.readRaw