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Version: 8.1

Vision - Dropdown List

Component Palette Icon

The Dropdown component displays a list of choices in a limited amount of space. The list of choices is stored in a dataset, which can be manually typed in the Designer or populated dynamically from a property binding, often a SQL Query binding.

You may want to display choices to the user that are mapped to a different value internally, such as a numeric code. The columns in your dataset will determine which strings are visible to the end user (Selected Label) and which integers or strings are stored as the component's Selected Value or Selected String Value. There are three ways to configure a dropdown dataset:

Scenario 1: One column dataset with a set of string values​

  • Dropdown displays values from the first column
  • Selected Value is undefined
  • Selected String Value represents value from first column
  • Selected Label represents value from first column

Scenario 2: Two column dataset with an integer and a string column​

  • Dropdown displays values from the second column
  • Selected Value represents a value from the first column
  • Selected String Value represents value from second column
  • Selected Label represents value from second column

Scenario 3: Two column dataset with two string columns​

  • Dropdown displays values from the second column
  • Selected Value is undefined
  • Selected String Value represents value from first column
  • Selected Label represents value from second column

The dropdown component can operate in one of three Selection Modes. These modes affect how the dropdown's current selection (defined by the values of its Selected Value, Selected String Value, and Selected Label properties) behave when the selection properties are set to values not present in the choice list, or conversely, when the choice list is set to a new dataset that doesn't contain the current selection:

  • Strict: Selected values must always correlate to an option in the list defined by the Data property. If an invalid selection is set (via a binding or a script), the selection will be set to the values defined by the No Selection properties. If the Data property is set to a list that does not contain the current selection, the current selection will be reset to the No Selection values.

  • Lenient: (default) Selected values are independent of the list defined by the Data property. This mode is useful to avoid race conditions that can cause problems in Strict mode when both the Data and the Selected Value properties are bound. If the current selection is not present in the Data list, the read-only property Selected Index will be -1.

  • Editable: The same selection rules as defined by Lenient mode, except that the dropdown itself becomes editable, allowing a user to type in their own arbitrary value. This value will be set as the dropdown's Selected Label.


PropertyDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Background ColorThe background color of the component.Color.backgroundAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. Options are: No border, Etched (Lowered), Etched (Raised), Bevel (Lowered), Bevel (Raised), Bevel (Double), Field Border, and Line Border.
Note: The border is unaffected by rotation.

Changed in 8.1.21
As of 8.1.21, the "Button Border" and "Other Border" options are removed.
CursorThe mouse cursor to use when hovering over this component. Options are: Default, Crosshair, Text, Wait, Hand, Move, SW Resize, or SE
DataThe dataset containing the list of choices in the dropdown. Either a one-column or two-column dataset. The first column is always the stored value, and the second column (if present) will be what is displayed to the user.Dataset.dataData
Dropdown Display ModeChanges the dropdown's
EnabledIf disabled, a component cannot be used.boolean.componentEnabledCommon
FontFont of text on this component.Font.fontAppearance
Foreground ColorThe foreground color of the component.Color.foregroundAppearance
Hide Table Columns?A comma separated list of columns to hide from the dropdown table, for example, "0,2" (only used in table mode).String.hideTableColumnsAppearance
Horizontal AlignmentDetermines the alignment of the contents along the X
Max Row CountThe number of rows to display in the dropdown list before displaying a
Max Table HeightThe maximum height allowed for the dropdown table (only used in table mode).
Changed in 8.1.12
If Max Table Height is negative, the table popup will auto size to fill contents.
Max Table WidthThe maximum width allowed for the dropdown table (only used in table mode).
Changed in 8.1.12
If Max Table Width is negative, the table popup will auto size to fill contents.
Mouseover TextThe text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component.String.toolTipTextCommon
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
No Selection LabelThe label to display when nothing is selected.String.noSelectionLabelBehavior
No Selection StringThe string value when nothing is selected.String.noSelectionStringBehavior
No Selection ValueThe value when nothing is
QualityThe data quality code for any Tag bindings on this component.QualityCode.qualityData
Row HeightDetermines the height of each item in the dropdown list. The default is -1 pixels, which causes the row height to be determined automatically by the current
Selected IndexThe index of the selected item. (Read only. Usable in bindings and scripting.)int.selectedIndexUncategorized
Selected LabelThe currently selected label.String.selectedLabelData
Selected String ValueThe currently selected value, if the value column is a string.String.selectedStringValueData
Selected ValueThe currently selected value.Integer.selectedValueData
Selection BackgroundThe background color of a selected cell in the dropdown list.Color.selectionBackgroundAppearance
Selection ModeThe selection mode determines the behavior of the dropdown: whether its selected value must strictly be in the underlying set of choices, whether it is flexible, or if users can type into the
Show Table Header?Selects whether or not the dropdown table header is displayed (only used in table mode).boolean.showTableHeaderAppearance
StylesContains the component's styles.Dataset.stylesAppearance
Vertical AlignmentDetermines the alignment of the contents along the Y
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon

Deprecated Properties​

PropertyDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Data QualityThe data quality code for any Tag bindings on this


Component Functions​

This component does not have component functions associated with it.

Extension Functions​

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.

Event Handlers​

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page



Display Multiple Columns in Dropdown​

Code Snippet
#The following code will return the first column value of the selection.
#This code would be on a button in the same container as the dropdown.

selRow = event.source.parent.getComponent('Dropdown').selectedIndex
pyData = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(event.source.parent.getComponent('Dropdown').data)
code = pyData[selRow][0]
print code

Property NameValue
Dropdown Display ModeTable
Show Table HeaderFalse