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Version: 7.9

Multi-State Indicator

Component Palette Icon

This component is a specialized label used to display a discrete state. The state must be represented by an integer, but the values and number of different states is customizable. Use the component's styles customizer to configure the different states.


NameDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
AntialiasDraw with antialias on? Makes text smoother.boolean.antialiasAppearance
Background ColorThe background color of the component.Color.backgroundAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. NOTE that the border is unaffected by rotation.Border.borderCommon
CursorThe mouse cursor to use when hovering over this
Data QualityThe data quality code for any tag bindings on this
Disabled Image PathThe relative path of the image to be displayed when this component is not enabled.String.disabledPathAppearance
EnabledIf disabled, a component cannot be used.boolean.componentEnabledCommon
FontFont of text on this component.Font.fontAppearance
Foreground ColorThe foreground color of the component.Color.foregroundAppearance
Horizontal AlignmentDetermines the alignment of the label's contents along the X
Horizontal Text PositionDetermines the horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its
Icon-Text SpacingThe space (in pixels) between the icon (if any) and the text (if any).int.iconTextGapAppearance
Image PathThe relative path of the image.String.pathAppearance
Mouseover TextThe text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component.String.toolTipTextCommon
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
StateThe current state of the
StylesContains the component's styles.Dataset.stylesAppearance
TextText of this Label.String.textData
Vertical AlignmentDetermines the alignment of the label's contents along the Y
Vertical Text PositionDetermines the vertical position of the label's text, relative to its
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon


Scripting Functions

This component does not have scripting functions associated with it.

Extension Functions

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page


The Multi-State Indicator component does not have a special customizer, however, it relies on the Style Customizer. When you open the Style Customizer, you'll notice that it has the State driving property selected, and several visual properties defined such as Background Color, Border, Foreground Color, and Text. If you don't like the predefined properties, you can change them, as well as add or remove any styled properties.

The Style Customizer for the Multi-State Indicator works by configuring a set of visual properties that change based on a different state. The State is represented by an integer, but the values and number of different states are customizable.

Style Customizer for the Multi-State Indicator - Property Description

Driving PropertyProperty that drives the style of the component.
Styled PropertiesThere are two categories of properties: Available Properties and Used Properties.
Available PropertiesStyled properties that have not been used.
Used PropertiesStyled properties that have been used.
StylesStyles section for the defining states and styles.
ValuesDriving property represented by an integer.
PreviewView the label after the visual styles are configured. Expand each value to configure, or change any of the styles. There is an Animate checkbox that you can check to enable the label to blink.


Property NameValue
StylesAs defined by the style customizer.