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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Sets any number of variables inside a currently running chart.

Client Permission Restrictions

Permission Type: SFC Management

Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.


system.sfc.setVariables(instanceId, [stepId], variableMap)


StringinstanceIdThe instance identifier of the chart.
StringstepIdThe id for a step inside of a chart. If omitted the function will target a chart scoped variable. [Optional]
PyObjectvariablesMapA dictionary containing the name:value pairs of the variables to set.






Omitting the stepId parameter will cause the function to target a chart scoped variable. If the variable is persistent to the whole chart, or used in multiple different steps, then this parameter should be omitted.

If a stepId parameter is used, then the function will target a step scoped variable. The step associated with the stepId must be the currently active step.

Code Examples

Code Snippet
# Get the instance ID from the selected chart on a SFC Monitor component
id = event.source.parent.getComponent('SFC Monitor').instanceId

# Create a Python dictionary of values. This example assumes there are variables on the
# chart named chartParam and counter. The script will set these to 1, and 0 respectively
dict = {"chartParam":1, "counter":0}

# Set the variables on the chart
system.sfc.setVariables( id, dict)