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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Starts a configured simulator event run in the Gateway. Note, that this function only works with the simulators that come included with the SECS/GEM module.

The function will throw an exception if the specified Event Run cannot be started.

Client Permission Restrictions

Permission Type: SECS/GEM Management

Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when called in the Gateway scope.


system.secsgem.startSimEventRun(simulatorName, eventRunName)


StringsimulatorNameThe simulator that holds the configured event run. Will throw an exception if the specified simulator can't be found.
StringeventRunNameThe event run to start. Will throw an exception if the specified simulator can't be found.




Gateway, Designer, Client

Code Examples

Code Snippet
# This examples requires that the Gateway has a simulator named "simulator1", and
# an Event Run in that same simulator named "myEventRun".
mySimulator = "simulator1"
eventRun = "myEventRun"

system.secsgem.startSimEventRun(mySimulator, eventRun)