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Version: 7.9


New in 7.9.12

This function is used in Python Scripting.


Takes the name of a task as an argument as a string (must be configured on the Controller before hand), attempts to execute the task.

To run in the client, the user needs a role-based permission. This permission is disabled by default.

Client Permission Restrictions

Permission Type: EAM Task Execution

This scripting function has Client Permission restrictions.




StringtasknameName of the task to run. If more than one task has this name, an error will be returned.


A UIResponse with a list of infos, errors, and warnings.


The UIResponse is an object containing three lists, each containing different logging information about the task that was run. The contents of the lists are accessible from the getter methods.

  • getWarns() - Returns a list of warning messages that were encountered during the task.
  • getErrors() - Returns a list of error messages that were encountered during the task.
  • getInfos() - Returns a list of "info" messages that were encountered during the tasks.

These messages represent normal logging events that occurred during the task, and can be useful when to visualize the events that lead up to a task failure.



Code Examples

Example #1
# Simply execute a task called 'Collect Backup'
taskName = "Collect Backup"
response = system.eam.runTask(taskName)
Example #2
# Execute a task and display the responses from it.

# create a function to print out the responses in a nice format
def printResponse(responseList):
if len(responseList) > 0:
for response in responseList:
print "", response
print " None"

# Run the task
taskName = "Collect Backup"
response = system.eam.runTask(taskName)

# Print out the returned Warnings (if any)
warnings = response.getWarns()
print "Warnings are:"

# Print out the returned Errors (if any)
errors = response.getErrors()
print "Errors are:"

# Print out the returned Info (if any)
infos = response.getInfos()
print "Infos are:"